Breaking News

What is Cache?

What is Cache? – To simply answer the question of what is a cache, it is data stored on a server for future reuse. How exactly does cache work? When you open a site, all website data is cached, converted into an HTML file and opened in your browser. A …

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What is Bootstrap?

What is Bootstrap? – Bootstrap.css is a CSS framework that organizes and manages the layout of a website. While HTML manages the content and structure of a web page, CSS deals with the layout of the site. For this reason, these two structures must be together in order to carry …

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What is cPanel?

What is cPanel? – If you have started to become familiar with web hosting, the question of what is cPanel has been on your mind. cPanel’s name comes from Control Panel. cPanel is one of the most popular Linux-based control panels for web hosting accounts. You can easily manage all …

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What is Google reCAPTCHA?

What is Google reCAPTCHA? – Google reCAPTCHA is a free, Google-developed service that protects websites from spam and abuse by separating human users from bots. It is a more advanced version of the traditional CAPTCHA system using machine learning and advanced risk analysis. The Turing test is a method for …

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What is Cloud Hosting?

What is Cloud Hosting? – Cloud hosting is a type of hosting that uses multiple different servers to balance density and increase uptime. Instead of a single server, your website uses a cluster running with resources in a central pool. When a problem occurs on one server, another server steps …

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Why Should Businesses Use Hybrid Cloud Computing Technologies

Why Should Businesses Use Hybrid Cloud Computing Technologies – In the past, companies had to choose between two different types of cloud: off-premises public cloud or on-premises private cloud. Today, the cloud environment has become much more complex and the concept of hybrid cloud has emerged. Hybrid cloud, which is …

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Points to Consider When Buying a VPS Server

Points to Consider When Buying a VPS Server A Cut Above

Points to Consider When Buying a VPS Server – One of the most important decisions you have to make for your website is what type of hosting service to use. That’s because web hosting comes in many different types, each of which needs to be used in specific situations. VPS, …

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